High Performance Universal Joint Shafting For Dry Pit Wastewater Pumping

Around the world, Johnson Power is providing POWER THROUGH PERFORMANCE.

In wastewater, that includes special shafting engineered & designed for each specific installation…


Johnson Power’s special services include…

  • Universal Joint Shafting
  • Disc Pack Shafting
  • Composite Tubing
  • In-depth torsional & lateral analysis
  • Systems vibration trouble shooting


Additionally, we can assist in tailoring the exact specification for your pump station’s requirements. Please take a few moments and complete our pumping application data form. Simply fill in the questionnaire and email it directly to us. You’re also welcome to check out our Pump Catalog here.

For all other available catalogs, visit our catalogs page.

Contact the leader in wastewater shafting to discuss your needs.